Can Bearded Dragon Eat Praying Mantis: Guide with Risks

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Praying Mantis: Guide with Risks

Introduction to the topic

Let’s pretend you’re the proud owner of a bearded dragon. If that is the case, you may ask what kinds of insects these pets can eat.

Bearded dragons enjoy eating insects, so it’s not unusual if one, like a praying mantis, happens to cross their way.

Bearded dragons are not poisoned by praying mantises that have been raised in captivity, so feeding your lizard one is unlikely to cause any harm. It is unlikely that your lizard could devour a full-grown praying mantis because they get enormous and aggressive.

If you’re looking for a special treat for your bearded dragon, praying mantises may not be the best choice.

What to feed your bearded dragon instead of praying mantises will be explained in this post.

Should you feed a praying mantis to a bearded dragon?

Can bearded dragon eat praying mantis?

Not if you’ve got a bearded dragon.

Bearded dragons can technically consume praying mantises, however the creatures that pray mantises eat can include a wide range of foods that bearded dragons could be poisoned by if they ate them.

So if you’re feeding your bearded friends praying mantis, you should be really cautious, and it’s best not to.

Praying mantis can be eaten by bearded dragons. But bearded dragons can’t have any mantis. Only those who have been specifically picked! Bearded dragons can eat praying mantis, so don’t worry; I’ll tell you all about it and which ones to use!

It’s important to keep in mind that if you want to buy praying mantis for your bearded dragons from a pet store, you’ll need to make sure they’ve been properly farmed. That’s always going to be the greatest choice.

In this post, we’ll cover a variety of topics related to the question of whether bearded dragons can eat praying mantis.

A bearded dragon owner may ask if they can feed their pet a praying mantis. Because bears are omnivores who enjoy eating insects, this is a frequently asked question. However, you should avoid feeding or removing the intestines of a praying mantis from a bearded dragon. The mantis is an excellent source of nourishment for both humans and bears.

Feed your beardie earthworms instead of the praying mantis. A rich amount of calcium, hydration, and some protein can be found in these foods. Reputable sellers sell earthworms. Avoid purchasing colored products. Before feeding your beardie, properly rinse its food. Inspecting it with earthworms will reveal these signs.

Be careful not to overfeed your beardie in the first several weeks of feeding. You may give your beardie a praying mantis every three days without fear of poisoning him. Beardie praying mantis owners should limit feedings to five per week at most. You don’t want your bearded dragon to accidentally eat a praying mantis.

Although the two animals share a similar temperament, they belong to different species within the same genus. They do, however, feed on prey in a manner that is strikingly similar. Lizards are likely to be part of a praying mantis’s diet. A praying mantis can be easily eaten by a bearded dragon, depending on its size and color. A bearded dragon, on the other hand, might be a meal for it.

Bearded dragons, like praying mantis, should not consume any other insects besides those grown in commercial facilities. Tomato leaves are toxic and contain deadly chemicals. Beware of wild tomato hornworms, as they may be contaminated with pesticides or other dangerous materials. Bearded dragons can also be harmed by nightcrawlers. They can reach a maximum length of 25cm. If you feed bearded dragons dew worms, they could be poisonous to them as well.

Praying mantises, unlike bearded dragons, rarely eat bearded dragons. For a bearded dragon, calcium and fat are essential nutrients. Hornworms, on the other hand, lack an exoskeleton and are devoid of chitin. During the mating process, a praying mantis will also eat its own kind. Consequently, the male praying mantis may injure or even kill the female.

What would happen if my bearded dragon ate a praying mantis?

Can bearded dragon eat praying mantis?

If the praying mantis had eaten anything dangerous to beardies, then eating that praying mantis could be fatal to your beardie.

However, bearded dragons are known to like eating the praying mantis. Many pet shops will actually sell praying mantis as feeders for your beardies.

You may want to avoid keeping praying mantises as pets if your bearded dragon eats them if they don’t.

Are bearded dragons toxic to praying mantises?

Despite their frightening appearance, praying mantises are rarely harmful to other creatures. If they eat anything that is harmful to your bearded dragon, they may not know it.

Adverse Reactions

It’s a good idea to keep your bearded dragon away from a praying mantis if you’re concerned about secondary poisoning.

Your bearded dragon may become ill as a result of chemicals in the mantis’s body from its food, even though the mantis is not poisonous in and of itself.


Insects caught in the outdoors may carry parasites that are harmful to your lizard. As a result, you should never give your bearded dragon a wild-caught praying mantis.

To avoid harming your lizard, only use insects that have been reared in a controlled environment, such as a pet store or your own backyard.

Do bearded dragons like to eat the mantis you recently caught?

Not at all. You can only feed a mantis that you bought from a local store for a purpose, as was stated in the introduction. The difficulty is that the praying mantis itself does not pose a threat to human health. Insect prey, on the other hand, could be extremely harmful due to their toxicity.

What we’re really interested in knowing is, “Can beards devour any praying mantis?”

Even if the praying mantis itself is not harmed, the animal that eats the praying mantis can be seriously harmed. As a result, you should never feed your bearded dragon any praying mantis that you come across.

Can praying mantis be eaten by baby bearded dragons?

Can bearded dragon eat praying mantis?

Since they’re still young, they haven’t had the opportunity to eat as much deadly food as adult praying mantises.

You can’t just bring them home and give them to your beardie if they’re in the wild. There is a chance they ate something toxic in the woods.

Why shouldn’t bearded dragon eat praying mantis?

Large insects, praying mantises can reach a length of six inches. Your bearded dragon, on the other hand, will likely reach a maximum length of 16-24 inches. Bearded dragons may have difficulty eating praying mantises because of their great size.

As a result of their larger size, praying mantises pose a greater threat to your bearded dragon. A praying mantis’ spiky legs and aggressive temperament may scare away bearded dragons.


Your bearded dragon may have difficulty digesting a praying mantis because of its size. In the event that your lizard manages to consume a fully developed praying mantis, impaction may occur.

You should consult your veterinarian if your bearded dragon consumes a praying mantis and shows signs of illness.

Bearded dragons need praying mantis, but where can you find them?

Praying mantis can be obtained from a variety of sources. Praying mantis can usually be found in close proximity by a simple Google search. There are several places where mantis is sold as lizard food.

For the lizard owners, they tend to raise these insects. So, if you’re wondering whether or not bearded dragons can eat praying mantis, the answer is yes, and it’s a lot easier than you might expect.

How often can your bearded dragon eat praying mantis?

Can bearded dragon eat praying mantis?

Praying mantis, like all other foods, is strictly prohibited for bearded Dragons. Also, one or two praying mantis can be fed once every three days. The most important thing to remember is that you cannot feed a bearded dragon more than five praying mantes in a week.

Overfeeding can be hazardous to praying mantis because of their increased calcium and phosphorus levels. Concern over the food you’re feeding your bearded dragons is very prevalent. Are bearded dragons capable of eating praying mantis? If they can then how to handle mantis for beardies? How should I process them? – questions like these will be continuously popping in your thoughts. And it is alright to be like this. Shows you’re taking your responsibilities seriously.

Is a bearded dragon at risk of attack by a praying mantis?

Before feeding your bearded dragon a mantis, you should think about if the bug would attack your reptile. Predators such as praying mantises have been observed to prey on and devour the following:

  • Insects of other species
  • Snakes
  • Lizards

A praying mantis is unlikely to eat your bearded dragon. It’s still a good idea to think hard before feeding your lizard a praying mantis because it could injure the reptile.

Are bearded dragons beneficial to the consumption of praying mantises?

As far as we know, praying mantises aren’t particularly nourishing for reptiles.

It is more likely that your bearded dragon will try to eat a praying mantis out of instinct than because of the praying mantis’s nutritional value.

Praying mantises are large insects, but their thin bodies and limbs lead some people to mistake them for walking stick bugs.

As a result of its unusual anatomy, a praying mantis will not provide the same nutritional value to your bearded dragon as a denser bug such as a cockroach.

Instead of praying mantises, what should bearded dragons eat?

Bearded dragons can be fed various types of prey instead of praying mantis, such as crickets and other insects. Bearded dragons are omnivores, which means they can eat almost everything.

Here are some ideas for what to feed your bearded dragon:

  • Carrots
  • Greens
  • Crickets
  • Cockroaches
  • Mice, rats, and other small animals

Insects and animals that have been grown in captivity should be fed to your bearded dragon in order to decrease the possibility of hazardous parasites.

Watch Bearded dragon eats preying mantis | Video

Can bearded dragons eat skinks?

Upon hearing that Beardie had eaten a skink, Yes, they would do this in the wild as well. It’s just meat. But it’s not something I’d suggest doing. Check for parasites in a few weeks and keep a watch on him… Tell your mother about the bearded dragon’s dislike of other reptiles.

What insect can kill praying mantis?

Predators of Praying Mantises Frogs, bats, monkeys, huge birds, spiders, and snakes are the praying mantis’ principal prey. Mantis, like praying mantises, will also prey on each other when there is no other prey available.

Is it possible for lizards to eat mantis?

Is it possible for lizards to eat mantis? Yes. In contrast, lizards prefer smaller mantises, such as the juveniles. When praying mantis reach its adult size, a lizard will have a difficult time defeating them due to their spiky legs and aggressive combat style.

What insects can be eaten by bearded dragon?

You are responsible for ensuring that your pets are eating only safe insects. Black army fly larvae, butterworms, cockroaches, crickets, Dubia roaches, earthworms, locusts, redworms, and superworms are some of the best-tasting insects. For bearded dragons, these insects are safe to consume.

The question is whether bearded dragons can consume any bug?

Earthworms, cockroaches, silkworms, crickets, and roaches are some of the most frequent bugs and insects to feed your dragon. Crickets and dubia roaches are the most popular feeding insects.


Can bearded dragon eat praying mantis?

In order to provide the best possible care for your bearded dragon, you may wonder if feeding it a praying mantis will provide it with more diversity in its diet.

Feeding your bearded dragon a little praying mantis is unlikely to damage it. Despite this, these insects have a low nutrient density and can be hostile.

A little research can go a long way toward making sure your bearded dragon gets a nutritious and tasty snack.

Bottom up

So, I hope you got the full idea on Can Bearded Dragon Eat Praying Mantis: Guide with Risks

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