Can Bearded Dragon Eat Bees: Guide with Risks and Benefits

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Bees: Guide with Risks and Benefits

Introduction to the topic

Because bearded dragons are a specialized breed that requires a specialized diet, you may have wondered if they can eat bees. You’re not the only one who’s ever pondered this question, believe me.

It’s not that simple to answer the question! Despite the fact that bearded dragons eat a lot of insects and bugs, bees are not always safe for your pet. Is it safe to eat one bee?

Bearded dragons do eat bees, but they do so in a specialized way. Keep reading to learn more about the nutrition of bearded dragons and what happens if your bearded dragon eats a bee!

Can bearded dragon eat bees?

Can bearded dragon eat bees?

Yes, Bearded Dragons can eat Bees!

Bees can be fed to bearded dragons, but bearded dragons shouldn’t be fed bees because they may sting your beardie when he’s eating a bee, which is not encouraged.

A bearded dragon’s stomach may rumble if it’s fed a significant amount of bees. Bearded dragons don’t get enough calcium or other nutrients from bees.

So, are bearded dragons capable of eating bumblebees in any way shape or form?

Unfortunately, bearded dragons are not a fan of them. It’s because they have a poisonous sting that can seriously kill a dragon, and they may also have parasites if obtained in the wild, making them dangerous to consume.

Something to stay away from at all costs.

Is it possible for bearded dragons to consume wasps?

Let them forage for wasps, but don’t try to catch them yourself as a reward for their hard work.

Aside from parasites and pesticide residues, wild insects may also impair your pet’s digestive tract and health.

Wasps, for example, may carry poison or stings that can injure your beardy in addition to exposing it to parasites.

Many individuals have gotten away with feeding their beardies wasps, as evidenced by online forum testimony.

But I wouldn’t take a chance when your beardy has so many options.

Don’t worry if your beardy accidently ate a wasp. Just watch how he reacts, and then feed him a bunch of gut-loaded beneficial insects.

Can Beardies die from a bee’s sting?

Can bearded dragon eat bees?

If stung in the throat, a bee can be deadly to a bearded dragon.

Having a bee sting allergy could cause your beardie to swell up their neck.

They’d die because they’d be unable to breathe any longer. Some beardies can die from anaphylactic shock caused by bee stings if they are not treated immediately.

Bees — a threat to beardie’s health or a tasty snack?

Every owner of a bearded dragon is well aware of the fact that their pet’s food can be, shall we say, unconventional. You may question if your bee-eating bearded dragon can consume bees, given that the reptiles are capable of eating a wide variety of insects.

Even if your bearded dragon enjoys eating bees, they should not be a regular component of your pet’s diet. Keep your beardie away from bees at all costs.

I know it’s easier said than done, of course! Beardies adore spending time in the sun, but it can be difficult to monitor them at all times because of their demand for and enjoyment from sunbathing.

You don’t have to freak out if your beardie eats a bee. The only thing you need to do is keep an eye out for any swelling. If you find that your pet’s head or neck is swollen, take it to the vet immediately.

Swelling usually occurs within a few hours of the beardie ingesting a few bees. Trust me, if your bearded dragon appears to be OK, he is fine.

Nevertheless, even if your bearded dragon is still a baby, I strongly advise that you take him to the veterinarian for an examination. There are a lot of strange foods that bearded dragons can consume, but while they’re young their digestive systems can be a little more sensitive to the meals they’ll be able to readily digest in the future.

It’s safe to say that bees aren’t a tasty snack, but they’re a real threat. Keeping your bearded dragon away from stinging insects should be a top priority while caring for your pet.

Is my bearded dragon all right after eating a bee?

It is possible for your bearded dragon to eat a bee, just like it is possible for it to eat wasps and nightcrawlers. The bee may not have enough time to sting if they have quick flexes.

Even if ingesting a single bee is safe, it is not recommended to eat bees on a regular basis.

Bee stings can cause swelling in the mouth in some circumstances.

Because beardies and other reptiles have thick chitin that is difficult to penetrate, this rarely occurs. However, I wouldn’t rule it out completely.

Swelling or lethargy in your bearded dragon should be reported to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Some pet owners also recommend soaking your pet in lukewarm water to keep him hydrated and allow the toxins to be flushed out more effectively.

Is it safe to feed my beardies freeze-dried bees?

You can give your beardies freeze-dried bees as a treat because they don’t have stingers and won’t injure them.

Bearded dragons can eat freeze-dried bees in tiny amounts without causing any harm, as long as they are eaten in moderation.

As long as you remove the bees’ stingers and heads before feeding them to your bearded dragon, it is fine for them to eat bees in the wild.

My bearded dragon ate a lot of bees, what now?

Can bearded dragon eat bees?

Pet bearded dragons and other reptiles are becoming increasingly popular. Many people enjoy spending time with them and own them.

Going for a walk in the woods with your pet feels much better, doesn’t it? Even while going for a walk in the woods with your bearded dragon can be a lot of fun, the bearded dragon will be in close quarters with a lot of bees. Beardies are bears, and they’ll go out of their way to consume as many of them as possible.

Now, what are your options? Whether or not it’s time to freak out is up for debate.

First and foremost, bearded dragons can respond adversely to even a single bee, let alone a large number of them. You can tell whether your pet has been stung by a bee by looking for a swollen mouth.

After your bearded dragon has consumed a large number of bees, keep an eye out for any strange behavior. If he appears strange or drowsy later, you should be cautious.

Your bearded dragon may have a hard time digesting bee exoskeletons, especially if there are a lot of them. Indigestion in your bearded dragon may present itself in the form of the symptoms listed below.

Is it possible for bearded dragons to consume ants?

Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, and folic acid are all found in ant bodies.

The calcium:phosphorous ratio in ants is out of whack. MBD occurs when beardies’ calcium absorption is inhibited by high phosphorus levels (Metabolic Bone Disease).

Anti-poisoning bites are another defense mechanism that is used by ants to protect themselves from predators.

These are not ideal for your bearded dragons because they are too little.

Is it possible for Bearded Dragons to consume bees with honey?

You can feed the bee without honey connected if you can wait a few hours.

In fact, honey can trigger an upset stomach, diarrhea, or other digestive issues in bearded dragons.

Bees should not be fed to your beardie unless the honey has been extracted from their ribs.

Bees that have honey on them can be eaten by bearded dragons, but only if the honey is removed first.

When is your bearded dragon’s digestive system failing?

Can bearded dragon eat bees?

Although bearded dragons are generally healthy and robust creatures, it is possible for them to suffer from health problems. One of these is indigestion.

When a bearded dragon eats a lot of bees, the exoskeletons of bees can cause gastric problems. If you notice any of the following:

  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Vomiting
  • In an effort to raise the volume of his beard,
  • Lethargy
  • Refusing to eat

Be aware of the fact that all bearded dragons are unique, and dyspepsia can present itself in a variety of ways. Look out for anything out of the ordinary.

The worst indication of all is your breaded dragon refusing to feed, which might cause it to get extremely ill. Go to a vet that specializes in reptile health care if your bearded dragon won’t eat for more than a couple of days.

The vet will most likely order an ultrasound to see if your baby’s digestive system is clogged with food. Your beardie’s vet will give your pet some medication or other treatment to help it digest its food.

When my dragon is sick, what can i feed it to help it feel better?

Can bearded dragon eat bees?

There is no need to visit a doctor for minor to moderate episodes of dyspepsia. Feeding your beardie meals that don’t contribute to indigestion but rather aid in the passage of all of the food is the key to success.

Because protein is difficult to digest, it’s best to avoid foods high in it. Eating a lot of protein might actually exacerbate the symptoms of indigestion, especially if you already have digestive problems.

Wax worms are the ideal diet for a bearded dragon with indigestion. Your bearded dragon’s stomach will thank you if you feed him wax worms, which are incredibly easy to digest.

Avoid foods that are difficult to break down. Pureed pumpkin, prunes, or apples, for example, can be prepared as warm baby foods. You can also give canned pumpkin to your bearded dragon, but make sure to rinse and dilute it first.

It’s also possible to give your bearded dragon 100% fruit juices if they don’t want to eat much at all. Make sure the juices are sugar-free before you start!

How Safe and Nutritious Is Bee Pollen?

We already decided that bearded dragons could be harmed by the bees. What do you mean?

The bee in your bearded dragon’s mouth is still alive, so don’t worry. Bees can sting and induce an allergic reaction when they land on the beardie’s tongue.

Even though it may seem unlikely, bearded dragons can be stung, and the sting can cause the tongue to swell, as well as the entire head of the bearded dragon to swell as well. You should keep your bearded dragon away from bees if he is still a baby.

Bees, on the other hand, are a fantastic source of protein and other essential elements. It is important for beardies to eat an adequate amount of protein in order to maintain a healthy body weight.

So, should you provide your bearded dragon with honey bees? Not at all!

There are more disadvantages than advantages when dealing with bees in this situation. They are undeniably fantastic sources of protein, but a trip to the vet costs more than the bees themselves, making them a lousy decision every time.

Watch Ground wasp vs bearded dragon | Video

What insects my beardie can eat?

Black army fly larvae, butterworms, cockroaches, crickets, Dubia roaches, earthworms, locusts, redworms, and superworms are some of the best-tasting insects. For bearded dragons, these insects are safe to consume.

What bugs can bearded dragons consume?

Earthworms, cockroaches, silkworms, crickets, and roaches are some of the most frequent bugs and insects to feed your dragon. Crickets and dubia roaches are the most popular feeding insects.

Is it possible for bearded dragons to consume bee pollen?

Feeder insects, vegetables, or feeder insect food can all benefit from this dust. Recomended for bearded dragons, crested geckos and chameleons, as well as other insect or veggie-eating reptiles such as tortoises, uromastyx, iguanas and chameleon-like lizards.

Is honey permitted for bearded dragons?

It’s not going to hurt them, in my opinion. It’s best not to eat too much of it, as it’s a high source of sugar.

What kind of food do bearded dragons enjoy?

Live mealworms, waxworms, and crickets that have been “gut loaded” with lizard-friendly vitamins and nutrients are favorite protein sources for bearded dragons. Adult beardies may only need to eat every other day or two, depending on their age.

The bottom line

Can bearded dragon eat bees?

A bearded dragon will almost certainly devour bees no matter what you do. Whether you like it or not, your bearded dragon will probably eat a few bees while sunbathing outside.

If you witness your bearded dragon eating a bee, keep an eye on him. Swelling around the head should be taken to the vet as soon as possible.

Bees may appear to be a high-protein food for bears, but they can be extremely harmful to bears, especially young bears. In my opinion, it’s not worth the effort, especially for bearded dragons that are just beginning their lives. Why risk putting your pet in harm’s way when there are so many other healthy options available to them?

Bottom up

So, I hope you got the full idea on Can Bearded Dragon Eat Bees: Guide with Risks and Benefits.

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Until the, Read about, Why Isn’t My Bearded Dragon Shedding: What to Do Guide

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